Sweet Sixteen

Oh what joy this precious daughter brings us each day of her life.

She is so very funny and has such a generous heart.

I overheard her early on her birthday on the phone with family saying “Not sure what today will bring. But it’ll be fun.”

-No “party” like I dreamed of having for her.

-No time with friends due to the obvious Corona pandemic.

And most importantly, YOU ALL know it:

– No license due to the same as above.

I kid you not, she has not said one word of complaint.

But what I did here today:

This was the best day of my life. “

Alexandra with her family as we waved at a car parade that we surprised her with.

16 years ago today, I had the determined idea that I would give birth naturally to my soon to be daughter. I can remember hearing the mid- wife and Blake discussing our city’s soccer league as I writhed in pain. I recall leaning up in the hospital bed and saying between contractions –

Can you PLEASE not speak Of something as ordinary as soccer while a miracle is occurring AND while I AM suffering in such a way?????” I was longing to get back to the Jack Johnson we brought on cd – yes we brought a CD player- streaming wasn’t a thing yet.

And THEN at 11:17am she peaked her head out and was laid up against me. Pure bliss. Totally in love. Blake was completely in awe.

2 hours old and 2 years old💕

16 years later, we thank God for so many things like her ease at decision making . (I writhe over every decision I make it seems.) Also, for her willingness to serve others….. from babysitting without complaint for our small group or doing chores around the house and farm. I also love seeing her gift of music and watercolor painting unfold.

I want to be more like you when I grow up, Alexandra! Your kindness and encouragement towards me as your mama and your daddy is such a joy. I am so grateful we get to homeschool you! These years are passing too quickly but I am thrilled to see you becoming a beautiful young lady. I love you from the very bottom of my heart, Mama xoxo

P.S. Can you maybe stop injuring yourself so much this 16th year of your life? Year 15 was rough as you are presently on crutches for the 2nd time this year, plus the broken arm, and the broken finger…….

14 thoughts on “Sweet Sixteen

  1. Happy, happy sweet 1️⃣6️⃣ Alexandra! I knew you as just as little girl when you lived on Pepperidge. You’ve grown into a beautiful young lady, and look so much like your sweet Mama! I hope you’ll be able to get that coveted TnDrLic very soon!!! 🚘🎂🎉🎈


  2. Happy Sweet 16, Alexandra! You suddenly look so grown up!! 🙂 You are beautiful inside and out! We are so glad you enjoyed your special day!!


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