A Surprise For Fall

Here is a bird’s eye view of our fall:

It all began 13 weeks and one day ago that my friend Shay called and shared about a little one needing a new family.

“He is from China.” she said. “His newly adopted family isn’t able to take care of him.”

The praying began.

The questions were asked.

Sleepless nights started- asking and waiting to hear from God.

Prayers were answered.

A long weekend away to meet him happened in western Arkansas.

Paperwork began.

Family and friends rallied in praying for us and encouraging us/ oh we can NEVER underestimate the power of encouragement and people believing in us.

Let the paperwork begin and let’s get this little one home- and “Lord, can it be in time for Christmas?”
Our trip to meet our little one included an AR game to fill the tank of Wilks! This is his
favorite team, he is the Lone Ranger, but we called the hogs on that day!

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